We will be using a homeschool curriculum created by an accredited on-line school called The Global Village School (GVS). We have selected this curriculum because of the core values of peace, social & economic justice and environmental sustainability as well as the adaptability of the content. While it is a home school curriculum it is on grade level from kindergarten through year 12.
Students enrolled in any of GVS’s programme offerings* are eligible to receive annual certificates of (grade) completion as well as a high school diploma and graduation documentation (including transcripts etc.)
It is important to note, however, that as the founding principle of The Village School is respect for the learner, it is not our priority to “cover materials” in lieu of actual learning. The learner’s own intelligence (of the 7 established by Howard Gardner’s theory) and natural pace will inform the manner in which the topics are explored. This means that the learners have the option to:
. follow the GVS curriculum as is
. use GVS as a base curriculum and weaving other interests into it
. choose a purely organic mode of learning which interest driven
* Global Village School offers dual enrollment with brick and mortar schools and it’s on-line programmes. Participants may choose specific courses of interest or full curriculum enrollment.
Experience Based Learning
Our value for participatory, engaging and relevant experience-based learning means that we will be doing lots of projects and at least as many field trips. Most of which will be limited only by members’ own ideas and imagination.
Wherever possible, we intend to recruit artisans and practicing professionals in fields of interest to tell and show us about their craft - such as horticulture, zoology, cake decorating, banking or any other interesting topic that crops up. Depending on the nature of the subject matter, speakers may spend one visit or several weeks with Village School Members.
Learning Tools
A person can learn a great deal about and through the world around us. In that sense there is no limit to the vehicles for learning both in and outside our doors!
In addition to these natural resources, learners will have access to technology, books, mentors, art supplies, field trips, international affiliations (post card exchanges), science exploration tools, games, music, theatre, documentaries and so much more.
Multi-Age Learning Groups
A well-respected and renowned proponent of self-directed learning, John Holt said that learning cannot be separated from living. In “real life” people are not segregated into groups according to our chronological age or level of maturity and development. The best kind of learning happens within the context of as many “real life” configurations as possible. Surrounded by others from multiple cultures, backgrounds and ages, people have richer opportunities for expanding the horizon of their ways of knowing. By creating mixed age learning groups, we intend to afford Village School Members this real life learning opportunity.
While we recognize that multi-age groups have benefits and drawbacks we truly believe that the pros far outweigh the cons.
A quick and simple example: One afternoon, five year old Jacob expresses curiosity about origami animals. His group facilitator may locate a how-to website and begin folding basic animal shapes with/for him. You can imagine this may draw the interest of many other children in the group. The Japanese art of origami involves complex mathematical elements and while Ryan may experience real life concepts of halves, triangles or other simple concepts, another older child may “get” geometry from the folds while still another (perhaps a more artistic type) will be drawn to the delicate precision and symmetry of the art. The facilitator herself may find that she is learning something new about Japanese culture as she assists and participates in this spontaneous project learning.
Learners will be placed in one of the three age-bracketed “home” groups, but will have the freedom to explore topics at hand or projects being created in other groups.
The three age groups are:
Early Years: Ages four (4) through young six (6)
Growing Season: Ages six plus (6+) through eight (8)
Budding Time: Ages nine (9) through twelve (12)