Founded by a passionate homeschooling mother, The Village School is a safe place that recognizes every person as an individual part of the community and respects all living beings as parts of the same whole.
The Director/Founder, Facilitators, Assistants and Learners are all together Members of the core of a learning community that seeks to include and embrace the larger community as a part of the school.
Based on the Summerhill and Free School models, The Village School strives to provide a quality, experience-based, learner centered education to all of it’s members.
The Village School espouses the ideals of “village life” where each member plays a vital role and is equally considered - has a voice - in the decisions made for and by the group. You have heard it said that it takes a village to raise a child. We, at The Village School whole-heartedly agree and we also hope that our children can raise a village too.